The decision in question is In Re Roslin Institute, which was dealt with in the US Court of Appeals early this month. The case concerned the creation of a woolly mammal, Dolly the Sheep, by Keith Henry Stockman Campbell and Ian Wilmut in Edinburgh Scotland in the mid-1990s. Dolly was cloned through a method called somatic cell nuclear transfer, where the nucleus of a cell is removed and planted into an enucleated oocyte; the female's egg cell prior to it maturing. By fusing the two Mr. Campbell and Mr. Wilmut could create an embryo, which could subsequently be implanted into a surrogate mammal, creating a cloned copy of the animal from which the original nucleus is taken from as a baby animal. The creator's of this new cloned mammal were awarded a patent for the process in 2009; however the patent was not at issue in this case. What was at issue was their US Patent Application No. 09/225,233, which was initially rejected by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board and then appealed.
Lauren was disappointed not being able to patent her sister |
The Roslin Institute did argue that the resulting animal would be different from the donor animal in terms of phenotypic differences, such as size, color and shape. The claims contain nothing pertaining to differences in phenotype, and what is claimed still maintains the genetic copy, which would be natural and have no marked differences. This was discussed in the Funk Bros. Seed v Kalo Inoculation: "[t]heir qualities [i.e. phenotypes] are the work of nature. Those qualities are of course not patentable. For patents cannot issue for the discovery of the phenomena of nature".
Justices Dyk, Moore and Wallace dismissed the appeal, and therefore closed the door on patenting clones, at least to some extent: "To be clear, having the same nuclear DNA as the donor mammal may not necessarily result in patent ineligibility in every case. Here, however, the claims do not describe clones that have markedly different characteristics from the donor animals of which they are copies[, therefore making them ineligible]". Some opinions have been given against this decision, such as Pilar Ossorio who saw that "[t]his ruling is taking away an incentive for research organizations to pursue more research into cloning, at least on the margins".
The impact of this decision can be said to potentially negatively affect the future of cloning, and more so cloning either in agriculture or medicine. The court did still leave the patentability of clones open for future consideration, however on the face of the decision it seems highly unlikely unless the new clones are markedly different from the original organism from which they are cloned.
Source: JDSupra
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